Rosalva Díaz

MBA, UIS Group Administrator

Rosalva Avena Díaz, mexican. Degree in Business Administration in the Technologic Institute of Ciudad Juárez.

She has worked in management of enterprises, as well as in human resources and strengthening of civil asociations. She also has experience as project advisor at the Technological Institute of Monterrey (Campus Chihuahua) business incubator.

She is a business woman, she participated in the design and development business model of the Health Research Unit Group (UIS® Group). This project won the State Award to the Entrepreneur on 2005 and a distinction on the Mexican Contest for Inventors and Innovative Women on 2008.

She is administrator at the UIS Group, which works on Chihuahua, Ciudad Juárez, Monterrey, Guadalajara and Mexico City and it is dedicated to offer human research services. UIS Group counts with the ESR® certificate (Socially Responsible Company) and has business integrity programs.