An article on the results of clinical monitoring of patients with a diagnosis of cervical dysplasia was published in the International Journal of Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research 
The authors of the article were 11 gynecologists and gynecologists-oncologists from leading clinics of Ukraine. The study showed that immunotherapy of cervical dysplasia with the use of peptides has significantly better clinical efficacy compared to the control group. Taking into account the obtained results and the given clinical cases, peptide immunocorrection using Areсur can be reasonably recommended as an immunological component in the treatment of cervical dysplasia of the ASCUS and LSIL stages.

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CEO, MD, PhD, surgeon, oncologist, founder. Ukraine
MD, PhD, Medical Advisor, Ukraine
MD, PhD, professor, oncologist, surgeon. Ukraine
Head of natural rejuvenation program. Indonesia
MD, Founder of Arupa AG, Switzerland
MD, PhD, gynecologist, surgeon reproduction. Ukraine
MD, PhD Neurologist. Georgia
MBA, UIS Group Mexico
MD, PhD, Professor Neurologist, UIS Group Founder. Mexico
MD, PhD, gynecologist, surgeon reproduction. Ukraine
Оsteopath, kinesiologist, ecopsychologist. Ukraine
Chairman of the Ethics Committee. Georgia
Expert in Ayurvedic treatment & healthy food. India
MD, PhD, professor, oncologist, surgeon. Ukraine
MD, PhD, professor, oncologist, surgeon. Ukraine
MD, PhD, gynecologist, surgeon. Ukraine
MD, PhD, professor, oncologist, surgeon. Ukraine
MD, PhD, professor, gynecologist, surgeon. Ukraine